In early March, medtech giant Getinge announced that the manufacturing of its bath and hygiene products are to be moved from Eslöv, south of Sweden, to the production facility in Poznan, Poland.

The changes are according to the company part of its enhancement of Getinge’s operational efficiency by further concentrating its production to fewer units with greater resources. The planned change will lead to the successive discontinuation of production in Eslöv meaning that all staff in Arjo Hospital Equipment in Eslöv and at Medicintechnik in Germany will be affected. In total, 150 staff members will be made redundant, the majority being in Sweden. The employees at both sites were informed about the transitions on March 5. The discontinuation is scheduled to initiate in the middle of 2013 and is expected to be completed during the second half of 2014.

“We will initiate discussions with the Swedish Public Employment Service and the municipality to support the process of finding new employment for the staff who are expected to be made redundant due to the planned discontinuation of the operation in Eslöv,” said Alex Myers, Executive Vice President of Extended Care.

Getinge’s Extended Care business area, which operates under the ArjoHuntleigh brand, will according to Getinge continue its focus on research and development and on establishing global innovation center in Malmö. The center will concentrate on developing the company’s global range of mobility and hygiene products, and will employ 65 persons. The center is expected to open in the spring of 2013.