Foundations behind Medicon Village has decided to award almost 25 million SEK to nine research projects in Malmö and Lund.

Mats Paulsson’s foundation for research, innovation and community building has decided to award 13,600,000 SEK for purposes that promote research within medicine and life sciences. The goal is to benefit healthcare, development, innovation and community building in Skåne county. This year’s seven recipients of the grants are operating at Malmö university, Lund university and the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. In addition, a donation to the foundation STIL, the owner of SmiLe Incubator at Medicon Village, has been made. The purpose of the donation is to complete equipment which gives SmiLe the opportunity to meet new research needs within among other things biologics and new treatment methods against virus and multi-resistant bacteria.

Two other foundations, created by Mats Paulsson, are granting 11,336,000 SEK to two recipients at Lund university; 10,936000 SEK from “Mats Paulssons Stiftelse” and 400,000 SEK from “Stefan Paulssons cancerfond”.

“One of the projects awarded a grant this year is focusing on creating more sensitive methods for blood tests on premature babies while another project will develop more effective methods for stem cell transplantation in patients with blood cell cancer,” says Jan Nilsson, professor, Lunds university and member of the foundation’s research and innovation council.