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AlzeCure Pharma presents new data

Martin Jönsson

AlzeCure Pharma has presented new data showing how substances from the NeuroRestore platform affect relevant signaling pathways in the brain and have effects in various preclinical models that link to depression.

“The findings we have seen with our substances indicate that there are also great opportunities for the NeuroRestore platform in other cognitive disorders outside Alzheimer’s. Depression is an area with great medical needs and affects people at a young age,” says Martin Jönsson, CEO of AlzeCure Pharma.


These substances stimulates signalling through the receptors for the neurotrophin BDNF, so-called TrkB receptors. This biological system has been linked to depression, and the support for this hypothesis has been further strengthened in recent times and new scientific findings indicate that many of the classic antidepressant drugs available today actually mediate their effect via BDNF/TrkB. In addition, the substances also show a positive effect on cognitive ability, such as memory and learning – functions that can also be affected in depression.

“NeuroRestore, with the primary candidate drug ACD856, acts as a BDNF/NGF signaling enhancer and can be used in various types of cognitive impairments in which the same signal pathway is reduced. We have previously seen that NeuroRestore compounds have had significant effects in preclinical models of depression and it is very exciting that we, with these findings, get further scientific support for the effect,” says Johan Sandin, CSO at AlzeCure Pharma.

Photo of Martin Jönsson: AlzeCure
