The startup company has completed a heavily oversubscribed fundraise.

The new funds will be used initially to expand the company’s clinical trial program for its Dermalyser AI-driven support tool in Sweden and other key European markets, as well as finalize CE marking and commercialization, states the company. In addition, the company is starting to work towards FDA approval, with the US accounting for 2/5 of a global market which generated 7.2 billion USD in 2021.

“AI-Medical Technology meets all of our criteria for investment – disruptive technology, a major unmet need and scalability in the key US market,” says Henrik Jerner of Northern CapSek Ventures.

“The extremely encouraging results from our recently completed multi-centre prospective clinical investigation involving 37 Swedish primary care facilities will be available shortly. The reaction from the Nordic dermatology community has already been so positive that we are responding to their request to run additional trials. This also has the additional benefit of further building our already market-leading image library,” says AI Medical Technologies CEO Christoffer Ekström.

Photo of Christoffer Ekström