An artificial nose being developed by researchers in Finland can detect the odour of cancer cells from urine. The promising research results come from a joint project by the University of Tampere and the Tampere University of Technology to create an artificial nose that is capable of detecting odours associated with diseases and emotions that go beyond human sensory perception.

The researchers have identified a broad range of exciting applications for the artificial or electronic nose. For example, a nose that mimics human olfaction could be used to speed up diagnosis and treatment and even cut down healthcare costs. The possibility of linking the artificial nose to mobile devices is also being explored.

According to Docent Niku Oksala from the School of Medicine at the University of Tampere, there is still some way to go before the artificial nose can be introduced for general use. The next step is to build new prototypes of the artificial nose which are portable and lighter. More news about the prototypes is expected later this year.

Partners in the project also include the companies Environics USA Inc. and BioNavis Oy. The project is supported by funding from the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation Tekes.
Sources: Yle, Tampere University of technology, Invest in Finland