Big interest for AstraZeneca summer research school
The interest for AstraZeneca’s summer research school 2014 that started at Gothenburg University on August 4 has been high reports the company.
The waiting lists have been long and the school were out of vacancies quickly, according to AstraZeneca. 53 students aged 14-17 participates in laboratories, lessons and study visits which are held at the laboratories of Gothenburg University, tutored by university students.
“It will be exciting to see the pupils’ own joy for discovery to blossom. With a pedagogy that connects studies to reality, and with mentors that are also adolescents, our hope is that this can awaken inspiration and a will to chose a future within natural science,” says Laura Alexis, coordinator for the AstraZeneca summer research school.
The school is arranged by the Young Researchers union in collaboration with AstraZeneca. The ambition is to provide students perspective on natural science’s importance in society by constituting a meeting place between school and working life. The summer research school will be held between August 4-15.
Published: August 6, 2014