Finnish healthcare company Biohit Oyj and American company Dynex Technologies, Inc. have signed an agreement for the distribution of the two-microplate DS2®, four-microplate DSX® and 12-microplate Agility® automated ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) processing systems, for use with the Biohit Oyj GastroPanel. The agreement gives Biohit Oyj rights to distribute Dynex automated ELISA systems worldwide, effective immediately.

The Dynex automated ELISA systems, as part of the Biohit product portfolio, will improve the availability and usability of the GastroPanel. With the help of this integrated system solution, small and medium-sized laboratories will be able to perform GastroPanel easily and cost-effectively.

CEO Semi Korpela, Biohit Oyj: “Automated systems save time and resources, eliminate human errors, increase work safety and ensure high-quality results.”

Vice President of Sales & Marketing Duane Steele, Dynex: “Dynex is delighted to cooperate with Biohit to add the GastroPanel to our list of validated assays for our systems, further strengthening Dynex’s position as the global market leader in fully automated ELISA processing for the clinical market.”

Source: Biohit Oyj