BONEBANK will establish a German-Danish biobank for stem cells in bone healing.

The project partners from Germany and Denmark work together I) to develop a procedure for harvesting bone stem cells in the clinical treatment of bone healing during routine operations, II) to build a German-Danish biobank for stem cells located in Lübeck and Odense, III) to create an organisational and exploitation model for the biobank and providing access to stem cells for patients, public research and companies.

BONEBANK is funded within the Interreg programme Deutschland-Danmark with means of the European Regional Development Fund. The total budget is EUR 2.4 million during 36 months.

Project partners are the university hospitals in Odense (Denmark) and Lübeck (Germany) as well as the companies Stryker Trauma (orthopaedic products and services), soventec (software solutions for the life sciences) and the cluster organisation Life Science Nord Management. They are supported by the network partners Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark and WelfareTech.