Call for proposals for funding of Nordic personalized medicine project

The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova), the Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNÍS), Innovation Fund Denmark, Innovaatiorahoituskeskus Business Finland and the Research Council of Norway, in collaboration with NordForsk, are launching a call for proposals for funding of trans-Nordic projects aimed at implementation of personalized medicine in health care.
Partnerships and innovation networks are needed to encourage cross-disciplinary and cross-border collaboration in order to advance the field according to NordForsk. It is of the utmost importance that research, industry, health care sectors and society jointly address challenges related to regulatory and legal frameworks, policy, payment mechanisms and health economics, etc., to overcome barriers to the implementation of personalized medicine.
This call is specifically aimed at developing innovations related to the implementation of personalized medicine for citizens and health care systems. It is intended to build on strengths and synergies between the Nordic countries.
The call will open for applications on 13 April
Published: March 30, 2018