By combining Redoxis’ expertise in immunology with Cellevates’ 3D cell culture systems based on nanomaterials the companies have created a 3D in-vitro model of a cytokine storm to help pharma companies test the effectiveness of anti-corona drugs.

“Working closely with Redoxis to further expand their portfolio with more physiologically relevant assays shows the value of interdisciplinary collaboration and how this can be translated into value for customers. The power of geographic proximity and community we find here at Medicon Village expresses itself in these extraordinary times, and we are incredibly happy to do our part in the efforts against COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic”, says Maximilian Ottosson CEO of Cellevate AB.

A cytokine storm

A cytokine storm, an uncontrolled innate immune response, is considered to be one of the major causes of death in COVID-19 patients. In the 3D in vitro model, using human whole blood, a massive cytokine release is experimentally induced in by activating the same pathways activated by invading pathogens. Culturing the cells in a 3D structure enables more predictive, reliable and translatable data to be generated, resulting in more clinical relevance.

A great model

In addition to being used for testing COVID-19 treatments, it also a great model to study how established compounds react in an immune system that is out of control.

“With increasing knowledge of COVID-19, it is becoming more evident that an uncontrolled innate immune system is playing a big role in pathogenesis of disease. We are now offering a set of services ranging from in vitro to in vivo models for evaluation of novel and existing therapies in modulating cytokine storm, which is suggested to be involved in many inflammatory diseases including COVID-19 and sepsis. We are very happy about the intensified collaboration with Cellevate generating reliable and stable assays for evaluation of candidate therapies with the aim of reducing disease severity of COVID-19″, says Malin Hultqvist, CEO of Redoxis.

Photo: iStock