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Dynamic Code acquires FindOut Diagnostic

Dynamic Code has acquired the bankrupt FindOut Diagnostic, a medical technology company that develops and manufactures self-tests.

The company launched self-tests for CRP (rapid lowering) and HbA1c (long-term blood sugar) at the beginning of the year. The company’s products are well in line with Dynamic Code’s strategy to expand the product portfolio, the company states.

“FindOut Diagnostic has innovative products with great market potential in its portfolio that complement Dynamic Code’s operations. With the acquisition, Dynamic Code gets access to both new products and technology that can be integrated into our existing product portfolio and platform. There are also several initiated pilot projects in healthcare out in the regions, which we see as interesting,” says Emilie Erhardt Winiarski, CEO of Dynamic Code.

FindOut Diagnostic

FindOut Diagnostic has developed an AI solution where you use your mobile phone to read blood samples that can be taken by patients at home through a finger prick and with equipment where you can use a mobile app to scan the test for answers within 15 minutes. The solution can be integrated with healthcare providers who take action if the patient receives a positive response.

Recently, the company announced that they had gone bankrupt due to a lack of funding.

The acquisition means that Dynamic Code takes over products and a digital reading technology immediately. Today, FindOut Diagnostic has established pilot collaborations with healthcare as well as sales channels via pharmacies. These take over Dynamic Code when the products become regulatory adapted for Dynamic Code’s auspices and supplement sales with their own established channels.

Photo of Emilie Erhardt Winiarski: Dynamic Code
