The company has signed an agreement with pharmaceutical wholesaler Pharmaxim to distribute ColdZyme at Swedish airports.

Air-passengers are an important target group for Enzymatica’s cold treatment spray, claims the company, refering to a US study which has shown that one in five passengers catch a cold after a flight. The company further states that ColdZyme Mouth Spray can be used both as a preventative and as a treatment when cold symptoms have developed.

Pharmaxim supplies all OTC medications to the Nuance Group, which is responsible for all tax-free sales of non-prescription products at Swedish airports. Pharmaxim has placed its initial order, and this has been distributed to the majority of airports in Sweden. ”This is the company’s first agreement outside the pharmacy and health product sectors in Sweden. The agreement with Pharmaxim gives Enzymatica the opportunity to use air travel to showcase and supply ColdZyme to the international markets,” says Michael Edelborg Christensen, CEO at Enzymatica AB.