Follicum collaborates with proDERM

Follicum has announced that the company has signed a collaboration agreement with proDERM for conducting the new clinical trial with a cream-like formulation of FOL-005 to be tested on alopecia patients (patients with hair loss).
The company expects to be ready for starting the clinical trial shortly after the turn of the year.
Preparations for the clinical trial are ongoing and through the agreement with the German company proDERM the completion of the study has been secured. proDERM specializes in conducting clinical studies with a focus on hair studies and has the necessary prerequisites for conducting clinical trials meeting the highest quality requirements. The remaining preparations for the study are also proceeding according to plan, which means that Follicum, unless something unforeseen occurs, will be able to start the upcoming clinical study shortly after the turn of the year.
Preparations are in full swing
“Preparations for the clinical trial are in full swing and we are very pleased to have signed an agreement with proDERM, thus representing an important milestone for conducting the new study on alopecia patients. proDERM is a highly qualified partner with extensive experience in hair studies. The upcoming clinical study will, in accordance with previous plans, be carried out at two clinics, in part at Charité University Hospital with which Follicum has conducted previous collaborative clinical studies and at proDERM. Both clinics have broad expertise and extensive experience from performing hair studies. We intend to submit the application for starting the phase IIa study with the new formulation to the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in November,” says CEO Jan Alenfall.
Published: November 12, 2019