What is the future for the Life Science in Scandinavia?
On Wednesday 8th April, the 4th Future of the Swedish and Danish Life Science event will be held at Medicon Village.
AstraZeneca announced its closure of the Lund site over 3 years ago and today there is a thriving village of more than 1100 people and 100 companies and organisations are part of Medicon Village. During the day focus will be on the future of the sector. There are many positive stories from companies that are thriving, however, there are many asking what will be their future in the industry. An exclusive premier interview with the Minister for Higher Education Helene Hellmark Knutsson will be showed, talking about what the plans are from the new Swedish Government on creating a strategy to support the growth of the life science industry and how Sweden needs to be more competitive internationally. Questions like why some organisations have succeeded in expanding in the international market and what is needed in the next steps to ensure the sustainability for the future of the life science sector will be asked.
Program and registration
Published: March 31, 2015