Government gives clearance to Science Village
The Swedish national government gives clearance to the detailed plan for Science Village at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Brunnshög, Lund.
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s study has given answers to the questions that have been asked and work on the development of Science Village can now be intensified.
The clearance enables the connection of the two research plants ESS and MAX IV. Research institutes, offices, temporary research accomodations, filial buildings for the university, a visitors and business office and other services will be built in the new area.
Previously the County Administrative Board of Skåne canceled the municipality’s decision to accept the detailed plan due to the fact that the ESS is an unique plant where the level of knowledge was insufficient when it came to risk and safety matters. The municipality of Lund asked the government to consider the matter. When the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority had made a decision about alert category for ESS and the grounds showed that, Science Village was able to be built as planned. The government gives therefore clearance.
Vision of Science Village: COBE
Published: August 13, 2018