Government requests renewal of KI board
The Swedish government announced its decision yesterday, 3 March, to task a nomination committee with submitting proposals for new members of the Karolinska Institutet University Board.
The government is to appoint former university chancellor Lars Haikola onto the nomination committee, which will be submitting a list of proposed external candidates to recruit onto the KI University Board.
The function of the board is regulated in Government Regulation, the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance. The function of the board includes making decisions on important issues concerning: KI’s organisation, Annual reports and interim reports etc, The audit programme, Distribution of internal resources and the follow up of this, Termination of employment due to personal circumstances, Order of admissions and employment, important recommendations and issues which are significant as a matter of principle.
Read more about the Macchiarini scandal here:
Karolinska Institute’s Vice Chancellor resigns
The Secretary General of the Nobel Assembly resign
Macchiarini dismissed from Karolinska Institutet
Regenerative medicine researcher accused of misconduct
Published: March 6, 2016