On May 28th international scientists and experts within outcomes research and patient centred healthcare gathered at the Karolinska Institute to discuss patient-driven development of pharmaceuticals, Swedish quality registers and their role in research, as well as how the patient best could be involved to optimize healthcare.

“Sweden is at the forefront when it comes to outcomes research and to take advantage on the patient’s experience. That is one of the reasons for why we address research issues together with Swedish experts, that we invest in Sweden,” says Dr Julie Gerberding, vice CEO and global responsible for policy, communication and patient issues at MSD.

A strategic partnership

The meeting was held within the framework of a strategic partnership between Karolinska Institutet and MSD’s center for outcome research (CORE).

“We are proud and excited to be able to contribute to point-of-care research together with MSD. The collaboration is built upon a flexible model where new projects are created together and where the patient is in focus,” says professor Karin Dahlman-Wright, Vice President at the Karolinska Institutet.

The partnership was inaugurated on November 2016 and puts medical healthcare results in focus within three general areas: patient inspired research, studies in analysis and methodology with focus on patient participation, as well as innovative disease based registers. Today, there are ongoing research projects within oncology, vaccines, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and neurology, and the first results are processed for publication in scientific journals.

Real World Evidence research

According to the participants in the partnership Sweden is a pioneering country when it comes to collecting patient experiences via digital tools and strengthen healthcare via outcomes research, so called Real World Evidence (RWE) research.

“This kind of collaboration does not only benefit patients, it is part of our Swedish export currency and hence, part of the development of the Swedish society,” says Jenni Nordborg, Head of the government’s life science office.

Photo of Julie Gerberding, Karin Dahlman Wright and Marc Gailhardou: MSD


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