Lytix Biopharma in agreement with Arctic University of Norway

The company enters into an exclusive license agreement with the university for a class of new drug candidates and forms a strategic partnership with Aurelius Biotherapeutics.
Lytix Biopharma, in collaboration with a research team at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), has developed a new group of drug candidates, which can combat cancer cells through stimulating the body’s own immune cells, reports the company in a press release.
A new set of promising molecules
The agreement has been facilitated by the technology transfer office Norinnova. The drug candidates licensed have been developed in a collaboration between UiT and Lytix Biopharma, partly funded by the Norwegian Research Council and the Norwegian Cancer Society.
“Through one of the joint projects with the scientific expertise at UiT, a set of new promising molecules have been discovered.”
“Over the past year, we have achieved several key milestones with our most advanced drug candidate, LTX-315, and have successfully confirmed the unique potential of our technology platform. Through one of the joint projects with the scientific expertise at UiT, a set of new promising molecules have been discovered. This exclusive license agreement expands our overall product portfolio, which further demonstrates the robustness of our approach to this segment,” says CEO Øystein Rekdal at Lytix Biopharma.
A combined team from UiT, Norce, Oslo University Hospital and Institute Gustave Roussy in Paris have contributed to the project. The agreement grants Lytix Biopharma all rights to further develop and commercialize this new class of compounds.
Especially promising and suitable for the veterinary medicine market
In line with the company’s existing portfolio, this new class activates the immune system to combat the cancer cells.
“One of the compounds seems especially promising and suitable for the veterinary medicine market. We have formed a strategic partnership with the US based specialist veterinary medicine company Aurelius Biotherapeutics to expedite the progression of this compound,” says Rekdal in Lytix Biopharma.
Aurelius Biotherapeutics now initiates further studies on one of the compounds, to validate the initial data, and to refine its target product profile. Aurelius is currently also developing their own lead candidate, ACT-1, granted by the USDA-Center for Veterinary Biologics, which now will be combined with the Lytix drug candidate.
Photo: iStock
Published: April 13, 2021