Medicon Valley, U.S. Cluster Partner
The Medicon Valley group, which includes Copenhagen, the capital and Zealand regions of Denmark and the Skåne region in Sweden, has entered a partnership with the Massachusetts (U.S.) Life Science Cluster (MLSC) to develop new drugs and healthcare technology.
Among the projects is an effort to develop a new drug for prostate cancer, which is a collaboration between Oncology Venture in the Capital Region of Denmark and Lantern Pharma in Massachusetts. The project already has received funding in the first round of grants.
Rita Jedlert, acting Medical Director at Region Skåne, comments, “Here in Southern Sweden we are pleased that Massachusetts, one of the world’s leading life science clusters, sees our region as an important partner. We hope that the new program will lead to further health care innovations in the coming years, which can also help accelerate the region’s growth.”
Source: Medicon Valley
Published: April 1, 2015