Mene Pangalos awarded Prix Galien Greece
Mene Pangalos, EVP and President, Research & Development BioPharmaceuticals at AstraZeneca, was awarded the Prix Galien Award Greece on April 11, 2019.
The Prix Galien Award is presented to individuals and organisations who have been instrumental in upgrading the quality of, or even saving the lives of patients through the development of innovative drugs and diagnostic tools.
Spearheading significant changes at AstraZeneca
The award was presented to Mene in recognition of his role in spearheading significant changes at AstraZeneca, and what these changes mean for the industry and for patients. AstraZeneca’s return to growth has been driven in part by Mene’s leadership in transforming R&D and, importantly, it has meant more life-saving medicines have been made available to patients with debilitating diseases.
Joined AstraZeneca in 2010
Mene, who was born into a Greek family who had settled in the UK, joined AstraZeneca in 2010, and has overall responsibility for the company’s research and development activities in BioPharmaceuticals. Since 2012, the R&D success rate at AstraZeneca (as measured by the number of molecules progressing through from Phase 1 to the end of Phase 3 trials), has increased by almost five-fold. Mene has been a key driving force behind this increase by instilling a culture shift, bringing scientific rigour to the forefront of the discovery process and implementing the ‘5R Framework’. These changes have resulted in more efficient drug discovery, with more medicines being delivered to patients than ever before. He has also championed a highly collaborative and open approach both within and outside of the company, partnering and working with other leading institutions, academic labs, industrial partners and policymakers.
About Prix Galien Awards
The Prix Galien Awards are conducted in over 20 countries. The Prix Galien Awards Greece take place in Greece every two years. The Prix Galien was first created in France in 1970, with the aim to promote significant advances in the field of pharmaceutical research. The 2019 Prix Galien Greece which has been the fourth to date, was held at the Athens Concert Hall.
Published: April 12, 2019