Millions to medical technology research

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has decided to allocate SEK 250 million to eight research projects within medical bioengineering.
The funding will finance eight projects with SEK 30 to 33 million each for a five year period for studies, diagnosis and methods for the treatment of various diseases. The granted projects deal with high resolution images of gene expression in a tissue section or organs that are difficult to access such as the brain and spine, stem cells for cell based therapy, or extra cellular vesicles to improve the diagnostics within cardiovascular diseases and prostate cancer.
Furthermore, one of the projects aims to improve a portable sensor system in the form of a comfortable clothing that regularly measures movements and other physiological variables in connection with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and stroke rehabilitation. Another project is focused on cell based therapy for the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases, for example COPD, asthma and pulmonary fibrosis.
The following have been granted funding, according to the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research:
Jonas Frisén, KaroIinska Institutet
Jöns Hilborn, Uppsala University
Thomas Laurell, Lunds University
Kristina Malmgren, Gothenburg University
Per Svenningsson, Karolinska Institutet
Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson, Lund University
Dag Winkler, Chalmers
Björn Önfelt, KTH
Published: April 3, 2014