MYoroface – one of Sweden’s ten most innovative entrepreneurs

On April 5th, Sweden’s ten most innovative entrepreneurs in were bestowed with awards. MYoroface, a company connected to Uminova Innovation and Biotech Umeå, were one of the companies to receive a 200 000 SEK stipend.
Swedish Incubators & Science Parks (SISP) and the Åforsk foundation appointed the winners and presented the stipends to the laureates at Sveriges Innovationsriksdag in Åre.
“If feels wonderful to, after many years research, receive this acknowledgement and recognition. It gives us the opportunity to come in contact with, and help, a large group of people,” says researcher and inventor Mary Hägg (medical doctor and dentist), who received the stipend at Copperhill in Åre.
In the western countries it is estimated that between 20 to 30 percent of the population suffer from dysphagia – problems eating and swallowing, and in Sweden this amounts to approximately 2 million people. The need for an effective treatment that the patient can take part in and carry out themselves is enormous. MYoroface, with their patented product and treatment method IQoro, address this need and helps save resources, for the health care sector and society at large.
“We are happy and proud that Åforsk and SISP believe in us, and what we do. The stipend allows us to speed up our efforts on the British market,” says Ylvali Gerling, CEO and, together with Mary Hägg and Linn Hägg, one of the founders of MYoroface.
Published: April 14, 2016