New investors for BioResonator

BioResonator Good Eye, with headquarters in Umeå, has secured two new investors to help the company to expand faster in Europe.
The company develops and sells tonometer’s that simplifies diagnosis of glaucoma.
“Thanks to these investments, we can focus entirely on expansion and sales,” says Fredrik Jonsson, CEO of BioResonator Good Eye AB.
BioResonator´s advantage is their premium tonometer ART. With ART, an initial high quality glaucoma diagnosis can be performed already at the primary care or in eye clinics, this opens up for much time- and resource savings for health care providers around the world. Glaucoma is common; 2% of the population at the age of 40 and 6% of those at 75 has it, and the number increases with age. Half of the people with disease are unaware of it, this is unfortunate since the disease can, if left untreated, cause blindness. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent much suffering and also save much money.
“BioResonator has an interesting product derived from research at Umeå University,” says Markus Olsson, CEO, Fort Knox AB, one of the new investors. We believe that the scientifically proven benefits with this product, has good potential for improved glaucoma treatment, and thus also for the company to be successful.
“The fact that the method does not require a specially trained operator or ophthalmologist, is a great benefit, as more clinics around the world can use ART,” says Mattias Eriksson, Investment Manager at Partners Invest Northern Norrland AB also stepping in as new owners.
Source: Biotech Umeå
Published: March 6, 2016