New Partner for NeuroVive
NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB has formed a new partnership with the UK’s Isomerase Therapeutics to pursue a new phase based on new molecules for its stroke medication candidate NVPO14.
NeuroVive ended its previous collaboration with to-BBB of the Netherlands at the end of 2014, following to-BBB’s restructuring and liquidation.
The partnership with to-BBB was funded through a grant from Vinnova, an agency of the Swedish government. Vinnova approved NeuroVive’s new partnership with Isomerase. The companies are seeking additional funding for the project.
The new phase of drug research will include the development “of new molecules and a more effective method for penetrating the blood-brain barrier,” based on the results of the collaboration of to-BBB, according to Neuro Vive.
The company said its new partnership is already paying off; the collaboration with Isomerase has generated new lead compounds that are in pre-clinical evaluation.
Published: April 2, 2015