New Senior Advisor Business Development at Oslo Cancer Cluster

Thomas Andersson is the new Senior Advisor for Business Development at Oslo Cancer Cluster and Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator.
Thomas holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Lund University in Sweden and has more than 30 years of experience from establishing, operating and funding start-ups in the life science field. He has a long background in business development in health tech startups, all the way back to the early 1980s.
In his career he has also taken on issues with patents and sales and he even bought a company that produced monoclonal antibodies with some friends and remodelled and sold it. Thomas Andersson knows the biotech startup-scene from the investors’ point of view. He started to work at the tech transfer office of Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. It was called Karolinska Innovations back then, now it is known as KI Innovations. After 8 years he was recruited to Lund and worked in Lund University Bio Science and tried to vacuum clean the whole university for life science innovation.
In total, Thomas Andersson has been involved in starting about 20 companies, of which 5 survived and are now on the stock market, reports Oslo Cancer Cluster.
Thomas Andersson, Senior Advisor Business Development. Photo: Oslo Cancer Cluster
Published: November 14, 2018