Researchers at SciLifeLab has been granted money from Uppsala BIO-X to develop a new lab-on-a-chip diagnostic tool for early and rapid diagnosis of sepsis.

The technique that the SciLifeLab researchers are working on is a lab-on-a-chip system for fast detection of bacteria in the blood. “Targeted antibiotic prescription is hampered by the lack of rapid diagnostic procedures available for the clinician. If we can develop a simple, fast system to test for bacteria in the blood stream, we would not only reduce the mortality associated with sepsis, but also prevent unnecessary prescription of antibiotics,” said Aman Russom, associate professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in a press release.

The hope is that the technology will not only save lives but also reduce the development of antibiotic resistance by offering prescription only to patients who would benefit from the treatment. The project is part of the BugSee consortium that includes KTH Royal Institute of Technology, University of Antwerp and a company, LumiByte.