Nordic co-operation strengthened at Medica
For the first time the Nordics teamed up for Medica, organizing a joint networking reception that could be the start to even closer collaboration in the coming years, reports Norway Health Tech.
A number of Nordic organizations initiated the networking event with the objective of networking the Nordic exhibitors in order to strengthen collaboration of exporting companies in the Nordics. During the event, many lively discussions and new contacts were created across countries, reports Norway Health Tech.
A shared feeling of synergy
“The Nordic networking was a great opportunity for all participants to exchange experiences, lessons learnt from Medica and also, as I can verify, exchange relevant contacts with each other and discuss future collaboration projects between the participating companies. That is a real tangible value of hosting and financing these Nordic networking events and it also creates a shared feeling of synergy and team spirit that is otherwise lacking” says Nima Jokilaakso, PhD, PM Swecare Foundation.
“We met some extraordinary people at the Nordic Networking event. One very warm-hearted person even helped us to open the first contacts to his country. Those contacts were just the ones we had been looking for” says Joonas Siitonen at Valuecode.
We face the same future challenges
“The Nordic networking event during Medica was both a great platform for companies to meet and exchange knowledge, as well an excellent way to strengthen the Nordic collaboration even more. We face the same future challenges when it comes to our healthcare systems, therefore we need innovative solutions to meet those challenges. It is often at networking events like this one that innovative ideas are created and collaboration opportunities arise”, says Hans Erik Henriksen, CEO, Healthcare DENMARK.
The Nordic networking event was financed by Nordic Innovation.
Source: Norway Health Tech
Published: December 5, 2017