On December 7, Professor Reuss, from the University of Stuttgart, received the Novozymes Award for Excellence in Biochemical and Chemical Engineering 2018.

“We are awarding Matthias Reuss for his ground-breaking contribution to science of engineering, particularly his efforts on advancing the use of mathematical models to understand cellular metabolism, bioreactor mixing, and scale-up. This enables us to better understand how it becomes possible to work with biological processes in a bigger scale,” says Jens Nielsen, Professor and CSO at The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability.

Mathematical modeling simulates cell reactions

Professor Reuss’s research primarily focuses on biochemical processes taking place within cells. Gaining knowledge about biochemical processes makes it possible to use cells to produce medicine and to develop biological solutions.

“Matthias Reuss has furthermore demonstrated that advanced mathematical modeling can be used to understand how drugs work and how the growth of cancer cells is affected by the micro-environment,” says Jens Nielsen.

Mathematical modeling is the use of advanced math and IT technology to understand the chemical processes in a cell. And with the increased understanding, it will be possible to improve the utilization of cells, e.g. the production of enzymes or probiotics.

“Nature is amazing, and Matthias Reuss’ research teaches us to understand it better. In Novozymes, we can use Matthias Reuss’ research to develop and produce new biological solutions that can help solve some of the biggest challenges on the planet today, for example to reduce the consumption of antibiotics using probiotics,” says Claus Crone Fuglsang, Senior Vice President of Research & Technology at Novozymes.

The award of 100,000 Danish Kroner was given to Reuss at the award ceremony and reception at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability (DTU Biosustain) at Technical University of Denmark.

Photo of Matthias Reuss (left) receiving the award from Peder Holk Nielsen, CEO of Novozymes (right): Technical University of Denmark