The UIC entrepreneur Moa Fransson, researcher at Uppsala University, was the winner of this year’s SEK 100 000 scholarship during the eighth edition of Mentor4Research.

During this year’s edition of IVA’s and VINNOVA’s mentor programme 54 researchers from different universities participated. The purpose is to provide researchers with experience and knowledge about commercialisation. Of the 54 researchers eight participated in a final where they got to describe their research in front of an audience and a jury. More specifically, they got to present what they have learnt during the year together with their mentor. The one who had learnt the most about the conditions for commercialisation of research wins the scholarship.

This year the first prize was awarded to Moa Fransson who studes genetic technology and the differentation of stem cells. During the last year she has carried out Uppsala Innovation Centre’s business development program UIC Business Start. The jury’s motivation: “Moa Fransson, Uppsala University, has shown a dramatic evolutionary curve. Starting as a traditional researcher she has become a role model in commercializing research results. Moa has found a realistic and apprehensive role in how to help others do the same journey. She understands the importance of uniting and collaborating.”


Image: (from the left) Malin Graffner Nordberg (Moa Fransson’s mentor), Moa Fransson, Anders Nordström (UIC), Anne-Li Lind and Lena Söderström (Anne-Li Lind’s mentor).