The company has signed a new distribution agreement in Italy with International Health and Fitness Organisation AB (IHFO), a Swedish distributor active in Italy, within a completely new customer segment.

As part of the signing, SciBase received an initial order of approx. 0.5 million SEK consisting of Nevisense systems and single use electrodes for delivery during the fourth quarter 2017. In addition IHFO has an option to place a follow-up order of more Nevisense and electrodes of an additional 0.5 million SEK to be delivered during 2018. The Nevisense systems ordered by IHFO will be placed at a number of pharmacies and non-specialist clinics in Italy that will perform melanoma screening tests.

“This is a very interesting co-operation for us, as it is a customer segment that we previously haven’t sold to. The Nevisense test will be combined with visual screening and be performed by the staff at the pharmacies or clinics. This could potentially be a huge opportunity for us, partly as it is a new customer segment but also if it is successful this could be rolled out in other markets together with IHFO,” says Simon Grant, CEO SciBase.

Within the framework of the agreement IHFO will market Nevisense towards non-specialists. Nevisense will be used as part of a screening evaluation and complement traditional visual evaluation.  These Nevisense systems will primarily be placed at pharmacies and non-specialist clinics and IHFO will train the staff in how to use Nevisense and how to integrate it into the screening process.

The distribution agreement is split into two phases and together the total potential order value is close to 1 million SEK. The first phase, at a value of 0.5 million SEK, will be delivered during the fourth quarter 2017. If the initial implementation is successful the rest of the order will be delivered during 2018. Initially the agreement applies to Italy, but there is the possibility to roll out this model to at least three additional markets in Europeadding additional sales potential.