SciLifeLab’s roadmap for precision medicine published

The SciLifeLab precision medicine team was formed in 2021 with the responsibility to define a strategy and coordinate SciLifeLab’s actions within precision medicine.
The team consists of Päivi Östling, Åsa Johansson, Janne Lehtiö and Eva Berglund. The overall vision of the roadmap, which was recently approved by the SciLifeLab Board, is for Sweden to become a world-leading nation in precision medicine.
Four strategic objectives
Towards this vision, four strategic objectives have been defined.
1. Promote technology- and data-driven precision medicine research at SciLifeLab: Establish a precision medicine research community including researchers, infrastructure, healthcare professionals and industry, support collaborative projects driven by clinical need and patient perspective, and promote FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability) data principles.
2. Increase accessibility of the SciLifeLab infrastructure for translational research and clinical studies: Establish workflows for supporting cross-platform research projects, clinical studies and trials, as well as combined analysis of molecular and/or imaging data with clinical data.
3. Enhance awareness and competence on technology- and data-driven precision medicine: Organize training events for the precision medicine research community, and promote outreach activities on a national and international level.
4. Establish effective partnerships between SciLifeLab and key stakeholders in precision medicine: Align SciLifeLab’s efforts within precision medicine with other stakeholders such as health care and industry, apply for funding, and ensure that SciLifeLab is in line with international cutting-edge efforts.
An important part of the work will be to align SciLifeLab’s efforts with those of other stakeholders.”
SciLifeLab is one of many stakeholders in the precision medicine landscape, and an important part of the work will be to align SciLifeLab’s efforts with those of other stakeholders, including for example Genomic Medicine Sweden, healthcare, industry and patient organizations, describes SciLifeLab in a press release.
“Now that the roadmap is finalized, we will continue working towards the defined objectives together with the SciLifeLab infrastructure and other key partners. Our expectations are that the roadmap will serve as a guide for SciLifeLab’s role within precision medicine,” says Päivi Östling, chair of the SciLifeLab precision medicine team.
Download the roadmap here!
Photo: iStock
Published: July 4, 2023