Sectra signa contract with Swedish County Council
Sectra has signed a multi-year contract with Norrbottens Läns Landsting (NLL), a Swedish County Council.
NLL has purchased Sectra’s IT solution for efficient handling of radiology images and patient information (PACS and RIS) as a cloud service hosted within the healthcare organization. Under the contract, Sectra will assume overall responsibility for technology, administration and maintenance of the County Council’s radiological IT system, which will give NLL increased capacity to focus on its core operation – offering rapid and effective care. The order value amounts to approximately EUR 6.5 million.
Norrbotten County Council comprises five hospitals, as well as a number of medical centers, which have joint responsibility for the care of the 250,000 residents in the region. The County Council conducts approximately 200,000 radiology examinations each year. NLL already uses Sectra’s systems for management of patient information.
“With a new, comprehensive radiological imaging system, we will gain new functionality and more efficient handling of examinations and accompanying images, which will result in more rapid and accurate reporting of diagnostic observations. In particular, this applies to our cancer patients, an area in which we are seeing a rising need for cooperation and faster exchange of information,” says Maria Bergkvist, County Manager of Imaging and Functional Medicine in the County Healthcare Division.
Sectra is providing the IT system as a comprehensive cloud service with high demands on availability, performance and security.
“We are seeing increased demand from our customers for the purchase of IT solutions such as cloud services, as this generates large cost and operational advantages for customers and suppliers,” says Magnus Sjöberg, Sales Manager for Sectra’s operations in Scandinavia.
Source: Sectra
Published: December 23, 2015