She is the new Chief Executive of the Norwegian Research Council

Mari Sundli Tveit has been appointed new Chief Executive at the Norwegian Research Council.
Sundli Tveit has previously been Director of Politics at NHO, rector at NMBU and Chair of the Board of the Norwegian University and College Council. She is a professor of landscape architecture, and is a board member of the European University Association and Chalmers University of Technology.
“Research and innovation are the very foundation of social/societal development and crucial in meeting major global challenges and in achieving the sustainability goals. The Research Council has a key role in development by promoting and enabling change and sustainability, not least through groundbreaking research. It is a privilege to lead this very important organization at a time when investment in research and innovation is more important than ever. I am inspired both by the great social mission and by being able to contribute to further developing the Research Council as a future-oriented and powerful organization,” says Sundli Tveit.
Photographer: NHO/Eva Helene Strom Hanssen
Published: January 5, 2021