Sweden invests in research in Södertälje

On June 2 the Swedish Minister for Education, Jan Björklund, presented a new drive for research and education in Södertälje, south of Stockholm.
With a mutual investment, the Swedish government – through KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, the municipality of Södertälje – and AstraZeneca and Scania, the aim is to create a base of competence in Södertälje. Focus will be on industry-related education and research, which is why the placement in Södertälje is essential, i.e., close to the production facilities of Scania and AstraZeneca.
“It is a major investment, among other things we will see 1 200 training positions for univeristy engineers. It is a extension of 150 procent and economically we are talking about SEK 1.6 billion over the next decennary,” said Jan Björklund during a press conference.
Half of the money, SEK 800 million, is the addition from the government and the partners are contributing with to bring the investment to life. The background behind the new drive is the international competition for jobs and industry companies that is getting tougher.
“This is a huge deal for AstraZeneca. The collaboration can for example result in more postgraduates and the possibility of doing case studies together with KTH. The investment is of importance if Sweden shall continue to be a competetive industrial nation,” commented Jan-Olof Jacke, CEO of AstraZeneca AB.
Photo AstraZeneca CEO Jan-Olof Jacke, Jan Björklund and Scania CEO Martin Lundstedt at press conference. Print Screen from
Published: June 3, 2014