Pharmaceutical company Orexo has received this year’s SwedenBIO Award.
The award ceremony took place on May 20 during SwedenBIO’s annual meeting. The award was received by Peder Edman, Orexo’s Chief Scientific Officer. The jury’s motivation:
“Orexo has during the year succeded in getting Zubsolv both approved and launched in the United States. Swedish life science companies always need a strong international stamp and here Orexo is a true rolemodel. Orexo has been able to combine a strong presence and sales organisation in the United States with a successful R&D in Sweden. Through the company’s leadership Orexo has established itself as a growing specialist pharmaceutical company that can be an inspiration for the entire Swedish life science industry.”
Other nominees for this year’s award were Alligator Bioscience, BioInvent, OnTargetChemistry and Pygarus. This is the eigth time that the award is handed out. Previous winners are Affibody, Vitrolife, Aerocrine, BioInvent, CellaVision, Medivir and Gyros.
The jury is formed by an external jury with representatives from the media, investors, authorities, academia and representatives from the board of SwedenBIO and SwedenBIO Award sponsor. The SwedenBIO Award jury consists of Torun Reinhammar, CEO at Nyhetsbyrån Direkt, Anders Hallersjö, Vice President, Head of Trade Business Unit Health Care & Life Science at Business Sweden, Per Eriksson, headmaster at Lund University, Per Samuelsson, partner at Health Cap and Per Lagerkvist, partner and attorney at Delphi.