SwedenBIO hosted member companies for breakfast at the start of BIO 2024 in San Diego

San Diego, June 4th, 2024. At 8.30 in the morning, Swedish delegates at BIO 2024 were greeted by SwedenBIO’s Jessica Martinsson and Frida Eriksson, as they walked into the breakfast room at Malibu Farm, a restaurant overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Located only a few hundred meters from the huge conference center, this was a perfect place to get ready for partnering meetings, the reason most companies come to BIO. You could feel the energy in the room and there were many smiling faces as friends met again since last time.

Lorena Galán, Salipro Biotech and Michael Bech Sommer, AWA
Meeting members for breakfast has become a tradition for SwedenBIO. Jessica Martinsson, SwedenBIO’s CEO & Director General, was happy to see so many familiar faces.
“I am very happy to be here, and I look forward to providing any support our members might need, such as helping with introductions, but also just tips and tricks when it comes to what to do and how to deal with this type of meeting’,” said Jessica.
“I am quite new in my role as CEO of SwedenBIO, so I also look forward to engaging with our sister organizations and build connections with other, similar organizations going forward. BIO is THE place for such meetings,” ends Jessica as she walks out the door into the Southern California Sunshine for a short walk to the conference center.
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Featured photo: Swedish delegates at BIO, from left: Malin Hultqvist, Redoxis, Jessica Martinsson, SwedenBIO, Nina Woodworth, Redoxis, Marcus Davidsson, RAAVen and Sebastian Hansson, Alzinova
Updated: September 13, 2024, 06:06 am
Published: June 5, 2024