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Swedish Government launch life science program

helene hellmark knutsson

The Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has together with the Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin, the Minister of Industry and Innovation Mikael Damberg and the Ministers Sven-Erik Bucht, Karolina Skog, Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Gabriel Wikström and Anna Johansson, launched five strategic collaboration programs, including one for life science.

The programs are founded on a developed collaboration between public actors, the industry and universities. The goal is to strengthen Sweden’s global innovation and competitive capacity. Mikael Damberg will be responsible for coordinating the programs.

Through new innovative pharmaceuticals, helthcare methods and new medical and digital technology, a future with an aging population, new treats in the form of infectivity and pandemics as well as antibiotic resistance can be dealt with. Responsible ministers are Mikael Damberg, Minister of Industry  and Innovation, Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Minister of Higher Education and Research, and Gabriel Wikström, Minister of Public Health, Healthcare and Sports.


