Acquisition - May 10, 2015
AZ to Build Plant In Algeria
AstraZeneca is part of a joint venture to build a $125 million plant in North Africa. The company established AstraZeneca al-Djazair, with two companies in Algeria, Salhi and Hasnaoui, to construct the facility. Algerian law requires that local companies have the majority ownership, so AstraZeneca will have a 49 percent interest, invest the $125 million to […]

Collaboration - January 21, 2014
Elekta collaborates with Algeria
In efforts to treat more cancer patients, more effectively, Algeria’s Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform (MoHPHR) launched an ambitious plan in 2013 to equip or build 13 new cancer centers over the next five years. The Ministry has announced that this plan includes the purchase of a variety of hardware and software solutions […]