Uncategorized - November 30, 2016
29-30 November 2016: Biolatam
Discover the richness of Latin America Biolatam is the biotechnology conference which provides unique access to Latin America, one of the fastest growing life science markets, in a forum for collaboration, discussion and partnering among key industry executives in Latin America, the US and Europe. International drug developers are increasingly targeting Latin America’s emerging market […]
Biotech article - October 12, 2015
NOK 250 million to biotech
The Research Council of Norway has awarded NOK 250 million in funding under the new biotechnology initiative on digital life for the establishment of a national centre. Six large-scale Researcher Projects will be carried out under the auspices of the centre, with topics spanning from aquaculture to brain research. Under the strategic initiative “Digital Life […]
Biotech Award - May 17, 2013
Nanologica nanotech company of the year
Swedish biotech company Nanologica has been awarded with the title Nanotech Company of the year. Nanologica received the award during SwedNanoTech’s Nano Forum in Stockholm. The event was held on Wednesday May 15. The jury’s motivation for selecting Nanologica to receive the award reads: “A company with roots in Swedish university research, with a clear mission and […]