Biotech Business - June 8, 2022
Elicera Therapeutics receives 2.5 million EUR in EU funding
Elicera Therapeutics has been awarded funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator Programme. The grant is sufficient to fully fund Elicera’s planned clinical phase I/II-study evaluating its CAR T-cell therapy ELC-301 in the treatment of B-cell lymphoma, the company states. “This grant has major positive implications for the development of our CAR T-cell therapy, […]

Biotech Business - January 19, 2022
Elicera Therapeutics secures 5 million SEK
Elicera Therapeutics has announced that Vinnova has granted the company and its project partners 5 million SEK in grants to develop an automated process for CAR T-cell manufacturing. Elicera Therapeutics and its collaborators at Karolinska Institute and their production unit, Vecura at Karolinska Sjukhuset, Uppsala University and Akademiska Sjukhuset in Uppsala are preparing for a […]

Acquisition - January 5, 2022
Immunicum transfers patent rights to Elicera
Immunicum has announced to transfer its patent rights for modified adenovirus (patent US 9,017,672 B2) to Elicera Therapeutics. The patent is currently out-licensed to Elicera and covers a modified adenovirus that improves gene delivery and tumor cell killing efficiency. “We are happy to enable Elicera to strengthen its patent position for its lead program while […]

Agreement - December 20, 2021
Elicera enters agreement with Baylor College of Medicine
Elicera Therapeutics has signed an agreement with Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), Center for Cell & Gene Therapy regulating contract manufacturing of ELC-201, the company’s oncolytic virus armed with Elicera’s fully developed iTANK-platform for a multi-targeted attack on cancer. This is the second collaboration between Elicera and Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), Center for Cell […]

Drug Development Pharma - October 20, 2021
Elicera Therapeutics presents preclinical proof-of-concept data
Elicera Therapeutics has presented preclinical proof-of-concept data for its iTANK-platform at the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Virtual Congress 2021. Elicera’s technology platform – iTANK (immunoTherapies Activated with NAP for efficient Killing) – has been developed to optimize the effect of CAR T-cell therapies by generating a dual mechanism-of-action. In addition to the […]

Biotech Business - May 25, 2021
Elicera enters a new development phase
Elicera Therapeutics has announced that the subscription period for the company’s new share issue prior to the planned listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market began May 24 and runs until June 8. The new share issue consists of a directed issue of a maximum of 6,500,000 Units, each consisting of one (1) new share […]