COVID-19 - November 22, 2021
EMA issues advice on use of molnupiravir for COVID-19 treatment
EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has issued advice on the use of Merck’s (known as MSD outside the United States and Canada) Lagevrio (also known as molnupiravir or MK 4482) for the treatment of COVID-19. The medicine, which is currently not authorized in the EU, can be used to treat adults with COVID-19 who do […]

COVID-19 - April 8, 2021
Possible link between AstraZeneca’s vaccine and rare blood clots, states EMA
The European Medicines Agency’s safety committee (PRAC) has concluded that unusual blood clots with low blood platelets should be listed as very rare side effects of Vaxzevria (formerly COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca). In reaching its conclusion, the committee took into consideration all currently available evidence, including the advice from an ad hoc expert group, it states […]

Careers article - November 21, 2017
Amsterdam selected as new location for EMA
Late yesterday afternoon the General Affairs Council of the European Union decided that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will relocate to Amsterdam when it leaves London in 2019. The vote had to be determined by drawing the name of the new city out of a hat at random, after a tie between Amsterdam and Milan in […]

Drug Development Pharma - November 13, 2017
New survey from SwedenBIO: What EMA personnel can expect of life in Stockholm
Due to the upcoming vote on where the new EMA office will be located SwedenBIO asked some of their international industry colleagues to share their personal experiences of what it is like to live and work in Sweden. On November 20th it is time for the EU ministers to decide and vote where the new […]

Global report - August 14, 2017
EMA prepares for Brexit
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has developed and initiated a business continuity plan to deal with the uncertainty and workload implications linked to the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union and the Agency’s relocation. “Preparing for the move, managing the necessary changes, and addressing challenges such as possible losses in skilled and experienced staff, […]

Drug Development Pharma - February 15, 2017
Denmark bids to host EMA headquarters in Copenhagen
Last week, the Danish Government officially announced its candidacy for hosting the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Denmark. ”The Danish Medicines Agency is excited about the Danish Government’s decision. The EMA is the most important European coordination forum in the pharmaceutical field, and Copenhagen offers a visionary and innovative life science cluster. Major international pharmaceutical […]