Uncategorized - July 28, 2015
New Findings about Circadian Genes
Mobility between different physical environments in the cell nucleus regulates the daily oscillations in the activity of genes that are controlled by the internal biological clock, according to a study that is published in the journal Molecular Cell. Eventually, these findings may lead to novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diseases linked with disrupted circadian […]
Uncategorized - March 20, 2015
Playing Music Good for Brain
A University of Helsinki research group has identified the positive effects of music performance on the gene expression profiles of professional musicians from the Tapiola Sinfonietta orchestra and Sibelius-Academy music university. Playing music enhanced the activity of genes involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission, motor function, learning and memory, according to the study. Some of the up-regulated […]
Uncategorized - January 21, 2015
New Method for Counting Genes
Researchers from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) have crafted a simpler procedure to determine if individuals have too many or too few genes, to assess their risk of developing cancer or genetic diseases. Extra or missing genes can increase one’s risk of developing cancer. While people usually have two copies of each gene, changes in the […]
Uncategorized - December 19, 2014
Exercise Can Change Genes
In a study published this month, scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found that exercise can change the shape and function of genes. Through a process called methylation, clusters of atoms, called methyl groups, attach to the outside of a gene and make the gene more or less able to receive and respond to biochemical […]