Uncategorized - April 29, 2015
NordForsk Funds Two Projects
Norway’s NordForsk Board has awarded a total of NOK 11 million to two Nordic-Baltic research projects on user-driven innovation in health and welfare. The two were selected from among 34 submissions. The overall goal of the Nordic Program on Health and Welfare is to improve health in the Nordic countries by conducting high-quality research to find […]

Uncategorized - January 13, 2014
Grants of NOK 500 000 available for infrastructure networks
Grants of NOK 500 000 available for infrastructure networks Under a new funding announcement from NordForsk, grants of NOK 500 000 will be made available to up to eight Nordic networks for the exchange of experience and knowledge on large-scale, international research infrastructures under the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). NordForsk welcomes applications […]

Science article - March 19, 2013
The quest for funding
Applying for grants is part of the everyday life of Swedish researchers. But the task can be a time consuming and difficult project when the competition is tough.