Global report - February 11, 2016
Key challenges in the global healthcare sector
Siemens Financial Services has released a new research report examining how healthcare organisations around the world meet the sector’s key challenges with smart finance. Conducted with healthcare providers across thirteen countries, the report has identified four common challenges: ‘managing investment in a capital-constrained environment’, ‘adapting to market forces’, ‘digital innovation and technological transformation’ and ‘meeting […]

Financing - April 2, 2015
NEA Raising Investment Money
One of the largest venture capital players in the world, New Enterprise Associates (NEA), has raised $3.51 billion for two new “opportunities” funds, with as much as $900 million possibly becoming invested in the biotech sector, BioScience.com notes. The two new NEA vehicles surpass the industry standard setting $3 billion fund that Technology Crossover Ventures […]