Uncategorized - June 22, 2021
New analysis: Life science across the Øresund
The analysis provides facts and figures about commuting, workforce, investments, businesses and research in Medicon Valley, and it also highlights a crucial discussion about the unexploited collaboration potential in the region. The analysis, prepared by Øresundsinstituttet as part of the Interregproject Greater Copenhagen Life Science Analysis Initiative, shows for example that there are more than […]
Collaboration - November 16, 2018
Medicon Valley: Cross-border strengths
Despite a current slowdown in growth rate, Medicon Valley still ranks high among Europe’s life science clusters. Right now, the region is going through an interesting transition period to remain the key gateway to Nordic life science. “The life science industry in the region has links back to the agricultural industry and breweries, such as […]
Uncategorized - August 17, 2016
The next NLSDays will be held in Medicon Valley
SwedenBIO and Bionordic have decided to site the next edition of Nordic Life Science Days (NLSDays) in Medicon Valley. The partnering conference has previous years been held exclusively in Stockholm and the event has drawn more than 1 000 particpants from 30 countries. It have resulted in over 500 licensing opportunities and participants from large […]
Collaboration - April 1, 2015
Medicon Valley, U.S. Cluster Partner
The Medicon Valley group, which includes Copenhagen, the capital and Zealand regions of Denmark and the Skåne region in Sweden, has entered a partnership with the Massachusetts (U.S.) Life Science Cluster (MLSC) to develop new drugs and healthcare technology. Among the projects is an effort to develop a new drug for prostate cancer, which is […]