Funding - July 3, 2015
Norway Invests in Biomedical Research
The Norwegian Research Council recently announced four large investments in biomedical research for a total of 255 MNOK. Out of the total, 60 MNOK will go to to sequencing and precision medicine, 80 MNOK to national biobanks, 65 MNOK to brain research and 50 MNOK to Norwegian Clinical Research Infrastructure Network. “This is great news. […]

Uncategorized - May 27, 2015
Fish Vaccine Grant Issued
The research collaboration “New Targeting Vaccines for Sustainable Aquaculture” has received a grant of NOK 10 million through the Norwegian Research Council’s program Biotek2021. The NOK 10 million will be awarded over three years. Oslo Cancer Cluster member Vaccibody is a partner in the project with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Pharmaq AS, Kjeller Innovasjon and […]

Funding - February 23, 2015
Norwegian Research Council Issues Grants
The Norwegian Research Council granted BerGenBio, Lifandis and Smartfish funding through the Program for User-Driven Research Based Innovation (BIA). The Research Council will grant a record amount of more than 600 MNOK to 65 Norwegian companies, of which nine are biotech companies. BerGenBio, Lifandis and Smartfish will receive about 10 million NOK each over four […]

Uncategorized - June 23, 2014
Norway invests NOK 850 million in innovation projects
The Norwegian Research Council will grant NOK 850 million to industry innovation projects, which is the largest grant of its kind in history. In 2013, the grant to innovation projects within the industry was on 700 million. The increase on 150 MNOK mainly comes from the Government’s strenghtening of the Research Council’s BIA program, a program […]