Science Award - March 11, 2019
The L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science Prize
Aishe A. Sarshad at the Sahlgrenska Academy, the University of Gothenburg, receives the L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science Prize in Sweden for having identified a new mechanism for regulating gene expression in stem cells The prize is awarded by L’Oréal Sweden, The Young Academy of Sweden and the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO, to acknowledge women […]
Collaboration - February 10, 2016
MSD collaborates with Sahlgrenska Academy
MSD has signed a framework agreement with the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg and the region Västra Götaland. The agreement is the starting point for a new collaboration arena which hopefully in the long run will benefit patients. The three collaboration partners will form a steering committee and initiate for example better identification […]
Uncategorized - February 8, 2015
Cutting Some Carbs Eases IBS
A diet that excludes particularly indigestible carbohydrates can provide markedly reduced irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, according to a thesis prepared at the Sahlgrenska Academy. In the study, 197 persons with IBS symptoms were asked what they believe is the cause of their symptoms. In all, 84 percent referred to food intolerance – most often […]
Uncategorized - January 29, 2015
PSA Test Program in Sweden Could Save Lives
An organized prostate cancer screening program in Sweden focused on the men who have the most to gain would reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer by more than 40 percent, according to studies at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. Spontaneous prostate cancer screenings, which involve the PSA test, have been applied in […]
Uncategorized - January 21, 2015
Electric Stimulation Can Aid Parkinson’s Patients
A weak electric “noise” can adjust the balance and motor skills of patients with Parkinson’s disease, according to a study performed at Sahlgrenska Academy. Researchers working with NASA have developed a prototype of a portable electrical stimulation device that will be used in long-term studies of Parkinson’s patients in their homes. In a study involving 10 Swedish Parkinson’s patients, participants received an active […]
Uncategorized - January 9, 2015
Blood Stem Cells Create Veins
Medical researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden, have found a way to take stem cells directly from blood to generate new vessels. About 25 milliliters of blood were sufficient to generate a new vein. The new method accelerates the process and is far less painful than the past practice, which involved extracting stem cells from bone marrow. […]