Profiles in Biotech - October 8, 2020
Robert Langer: Making a difference in medicine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US has produced more than its share of engineers and computer scientists, but unlike many of his peers, alumnus Dr. Robert Langer, ScD, turned his chemical engineering skills to medicine, becoming one of the world’s leaders in perfecting effective drug delivery systems.

Profiles in Biotech - February 27, 2020
Sara Mangsbo: A multi-talented scientist and entrepreneur
An academic and an entrepreneur, Dr. Sara Mangsbo, PhD, has found a way to integrate her skills and interests so that they complement and augment her passions. The Chief Innovation Officer at Ultimovacs, an Oslo based cancer vaccine company with an office in Uppsala, Mangsbo is also an Associate Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University. Her […]

Pharma article - November 23, 2018
Exclusive R&D interview: David Fredrickson
In an interview in Nordic Life Science, the Head of AstraZeneca’s Oncology Business unit, shared his insights on current drug development within oncology and how we can create faster access to innovative medicines. “Drug development within oncology has evolved to become more flexible,” said David Fredrickson, head of AstraZeneca’s oncology business unit. “Clinical trials with […]

Profiles in Business - March 22, 2017
“The scientist in me wants to make a difference”
After ten years of diabetes research and development at Novo Nordisk, Dorte X. Gram took her findings and work further to start something on her own. As founder and CEO of PILA PHARMA she hopes to bring a new oral anti-diabetic agent to the market. What made you take the leap to go on your […]

Profiles in Science - March 8, 2017
“My basic personality is more like a discoverer”
Sirpa Jalkanen is a professor in the Academy of Finland, board member of Orion, and cofounder of BioTie Therapies and Faron Pharmaceuticals. BioTie Therapies and Faron Pharmaceuticals develop drugs for inflammation and immune-related conditions. In 2016, BioTie was acquired by Acorda Therapeutics. How did you turn basic research findings into companies? “When we returned from […]

Profiles in Biotech - December 16, 2016
Agnete Fredriksen: “You really need to have drive to make it work”
Academia and business don’t always mix, but Agnete B. Fredriksen of Norway has found the formula. While doing research for her doctorate degrees at the University of Oslo, Fredriksen and co-workers invented a technology to create vaccines that help the body’s immune system fight cancer and other diseases. She co-founded the company Vaccibody in 2007, […]