Uncategorized - September 6, 2017
Predicting the effects of cancer treatment
An international research team has developed a mathematical model that predicts the side effects of a chemotherapy treatment for prostate cancer. Around 10-20 percent of patients have adverse side effects from the standard treatment with the chemotherapy drug docetaxel that forces them to discontinue the treatment. In the Prostate Cancer DREAM 9.5 Challenge, international researcher […]
Uncategorized - December 1, 2016
New findings on cancer stiffness
Researchers at the University of Turku have made a discovery about how cancer stiffness controls the growth of malignant cells. Many cancer patients discover their disease by finding a “lump”. Cancer induces stiffening of the surrounding tissue, which in turn accelerates the growth of the cancer cells and creates a proliferation-inducing vicious cycle. Academy Professor […]
Uncategorized - January 5, 2015
Finland Tops for Biobank Research
Finland is one of the best countries in the world for conducting biobank research, according to Olli Carpén, Professor of Pathology at the University of Turku. It offers the opportunity to collect population-based, comprehensive samples for many disease groups, notes Carpén. “Finnish people have a very positive attitude towards medical research. Consenting to give a […]