The Swedish Research Council and Vinnova will distribute over 100 million SEK during the coming years to the development of three new centres, with the aim to create strong research and development environments within biopharmaceuticals.

This drive is part of an eight year long research program for biologics (320 million SEK) and it is part of the government’s strategic collaboration program within life science. The aim of the effort is to make Sweden a leading country in this area. In the centres, several of Sweden’s largest pharma companies will collaborate with smaller companies, universities and players within the healthcare sector and together conduct research, development and innovation.

The three centres that receives the financing of total 104 million SEK are:

CAMP – Centre for Advanced Medical Products, 48 million SEK

This centre will focus on growth in the industry and in small and midsized companies, clinical praxis, research and education, advanced production technology and a successful innovation and company environment. In the long run, the goal is that the centre will attract investments from the global life science industry, including pharma, biotech, medtech and contract services.

25 collaborators headed by Umeå University


CellNova – Centre for development and production of next generation biological drugs, 40 million SEK

The centre is built upon extensive research within relevant areas for development of biologics. Researchers with great experience of clinical development work will contribute, including drug development, health economy and regulatory issues. A close collaboration between industry and academia.

10 collaborators headed by KTH

NextBioForm, 16 million SEK in the first phase

The centre will focus on improving process planning and production of biologics. The collaboration will bridge the gulf between bio process and drug manufacturing.

17 collaborators headed by RISE